Every Child's Window of Innocence is Rapidly Shrinking.


Once harmful content is seen, it can't be unseen.

HarmBlock keeps children safe by using AI to block sexual imagery from being viewed or recorded - whether as images, video, or livestream - across any app.

What is it?

Safeguarding software embedded directly into the device's OS - it stops children from viewing and creating sexual content. It actively prevents sexual coercion, extortion, and exploitation - working seamlessly from the moment the device is switched on.

How does it work?

HarmBlock uses advanced AI image and video classification to detect and block harmful content in real-time, as it appears on the screen. Trained on millions of images and inputs, it is designed to be lightweight, fast, and highly accurate, running smoothly on handheld devices without disrupting the user's experience.

What is it?

Safeguarding software embedded directly into the device's OS - it stops children from viewing and creating sexual content. It actively prevents sexual coercion, extortion, and exploitation - working seamlessly from the moment the device is switched on.

How does it work?

HarmBlock uses advanced AI image and video classification to detect and block harmful content in real-time, as it appears on the screen. Trained on millions of images and inputs, it is designed to be lightweight, fast, and highly accurate, running smoothly on handheld devices without disrupting the user's experience.


Safer Tech in the Chipset:

Parental controls fall short. They can't prevent harmful content in chat rooms, social media, or messaging apps. HarmBlock can.

Our ultra-lightweight AI detects harm in milliseconds. Just 90MB and trained on millions of images, it maintains device performance for a seamless experience.

Use In...


Integrate into device operating systems for all device manufacturers, making products inherently safe by rejecting harmful or illegal sexual content.


Deploy within existing visual inspection pipelines to monitor and block all streamed harmful or illegal sexual content, before it reaches the device.


Embed for app manufacturers to prevent harmful or illegal visual content in uploaded or camera-captured content.

Safe From The Moment It'S Switched On.

Can't Be Removed Or Circumvented.

No On-Boarding Or Configuration.

Privacy-Centric, Runs On Device.

Fast, Accurate & Battery-Efficient.

Detects When Camera Is Being Used To Capture Explicit Images.

Works Alongside End-To-End Encryption & Live-Stream.

Developed In Association With The Iwf To Detect Csam.

Preventative - No Parental Intervention Needed.