Data Privacy
Privacy is a basic human right. However, we live in a world where personal data has been used by too many for too long and often without knowledge and approval. At SafeToNet we view things differently and not only because we are responsible for making children safer online but because it is fundamentally the right thing to do.
So, when a parent and child uses our software our commitment is as follows:
1. We will always anonymize data and minimize what we collect and how we collect it;
2. We will always tell you how we use the data and what we do with it. We will use both grown-up and child friendly language so that everything is as clear as possible;
3. We will never show a parent what their child has sent or received;
4. We will always give a child the right to delete our app and especially when they turn 13 when we will remind them that our app can be removed if they wish;
5. We will never ever sell data to a 3rd party and only share it if this is necessary for the purpose of processing the contract;
6. We will never advertise to a child;
7. We will seek explicit consent before we analyze data that can be classed as sensitive this includes topics such as sexuality, religious and political persuasion or other matters which are clearly sensitive;
8. We will alert a parent of concerns that the software has detected but we will not disclose what was said;
9. We will delete any data when asked to do so and irrespective we will not keep data beyond its useful purpose which will always remain solely to make children safer online;
10. We will let you know what data we hold whenever you ask. All we need to do is verify you are who you say you are;
11. We will do what we can to verify that a parent is who they say they are and that they are the legal guardian of a child;
12. We will do all we can to keep any data we hold safe and secure. We will review our systems and processes regularly and let you know as quickly as possible if somebody has tried to access our systems;
13. We will act swiftly should risks appear that compromise privacy and security.